What is FilmSlop?

Film touches every part of our lives: literature, music, language, our understanding of the world, and even what we eat. Movies are for the people, not the ivory tower. So why is so much film criticism so inaccessible? What makes cinema special is the slop; although film is made for the theater it is so often experienced at home via bootlegs, camrips, and years-old 240p YouTube uploads. These imperfections and depictions of the human condition mirrored back to us on the screen are what stay with us and inform our connections to film. Here at FilmSlop we welcome, more than anything, stories about your experiences with cinema, whether that be creative, critical (or a combination of the two), poetry, or prose writing about film.

Our Mission

At FilmSlop, we believe that movies are an empathetic medium. Our goal is to encourage self-reflection by centering film reviews around personal stories.

Do we accept submissions?

We accept pitches. We're looking for pieces with a personal element; we want to hear about what film means to you. Read through some of our published pieces to get a sense of what we're about.

How do I contact you?

Email us at contact@filmslop.com!